What is, Intimacy?
- Intimacy is: “showing a close union or combination of particles or elements: an intimate mixture.” dictionary.com
- “Intimacy is: close or warm friendship or understanding; personal relationship.” Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition.
- Intimacy is: “a deep abiding connection between two people.” (Russer);
- Intimate is: « intimus » in Latin Language, and that is another way to say « innermost »;
- Intimacy is: one of the most existentially human connection experience possible;
- Intimacy is: a tone, in which we communicate, relate;
- “Intimacy is: the closest “moving flow” between 2 very dynamic states of authenticity and vulnerability inside of us and between each others. Most of us would claim that intimacy moving well does, expand in time.” (Cilvy 2003)
- Intimacy is: a paradoxical mixture of “closeness, togetherness, affinity, belonging, rapport, warmth, attachment, familiarity, friendliness, affection, vulnerability and authenticity” and at the same time, “private and personal, at the limit often hidden.”
- Intimacy is: often affectionate or loving and understanding; often mistaken for sexuality;
- Intimacy needs maturity. “Maturity is: the capacity to live and manage discomfort with serenity, while still able to offer to self, to others, and to the world, the essence of peace, Love and respect”. (Cilvy 2010)
- Always remember that intimacy is a state that we experiment more or less fully: we have to BE, intimate;
- Intimacy needs: trust to move;
- Intimacy very often leads to creation;
- We wish intimacy to be: comfortable and strong but sadly, most of us are afraid of it because we believe it to be “only too vulnerable”, so we believe that intimacy needs to be fenced (and for too many, “in a fortress”);
- Wise intimacy is: the peacefully and deeply fulfilling experience of the state of a dynamic and profound inner knowledge of Self which 1- we want to actively balance and wisely harmonize the rhythm, and of which 2- we may aspire to share wisely and further harmonize in safety with other intimacies of the like… or not. Many people mistakes intimacy for sexuality, though intimacy can use sexuality to express itself.
- Wise intimacy is: the peaceful deep fulfillment of being in contact with the One Self, deep inside in a movement between our authenticity on one side and our vulnerability on the other side;
- Words associated with intimacy that are not trendy anymore, but that we can bring back in our lives: audacious, brave, bold, candid, close, confident, courageous, daring, deep, devoted, direct, familiar, fearless, frank, gallant, genuine, gutsy, gutty, heroic, honest, intense, intrepic, introspection, lionhearted, personal, profound, sensual, sincere, spunky, stouthearted, true, real, unfeigned, unflinching, valiant, valorous, wholeheartfelt, etc. Can you think of some of your own?
What is, Intimacy?
- Most of us still relates to intimacy as if we didn’t grow to be adults with it yet (Ken Page);
- Mature, grown up persons wish intimacy to be authentic, existential, wise, invested. For many who never received proper Sex Ed. in Western societies (and even for many of us who did), we were absolutely NOT educated to be intimate. (Unless you had an angel of a grand-father like mine who saved my life by giving me permission to get to know and enjoy my most intimate “vibrating inner Self”.)
- In this time and age, we need to be restoring the “in” in intimacy or the “into-me-see”, as many an author spells it;
- “Our souls crave intimacy. […] Sex can be the most intimate and beautiful expression of love, but we are only lying to ourselves when we act as if sex is proof of love. […] We live in a world of users where we [want] to dull the pain of aloneness. We all long for intimacy, and physical contact can appear as intimacy, at least for a moment.” Erwin Raphael McManus Soul Cravings;
- We seriously have to address our anxiety, and take courage, and do what we are the most afraid of, to experience deep wise intimate connections; Deep wise intimacy is not for the faintest – but not working on intimacy, paradoxically, makes us like the unconscious robots the digital addiction wants us to become…;
- To paraphrase social medias: “In my grand-parent’s time – even if not perfect, making love was the trend and sexuality was taboo; in today’s time, sexuality is the trend and making love is taboo”;
- “I chose to stay with the emptiness of not knowing [why, how, when, etc.] and still, I am enough.” (Oriah Mountain Dreamer, The Dance, p.)
- In intimacy, “To betray oneself in order to not, betray someone else, is still a betrayal, and the worst of it!” (Paolo Coelho)
- “The path [of wise intimacy] isn’t a straight line; it’s a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths”. (Barry H. Gillespie)
- INTIMACY TAKES T.I.M.E. and huge-brave-bold C.O.U.R.A.G.E.!!!
and here, we‘ve got your back, when it comes to Intimacy !! It can, be safe: You’re not alone if you wish not to, when it comes down to the vulnerability of your intimacy…; - For intimacy to be wise, it has to be SAFE and RESPONSIBLE. otherwise MATURE, and usually needs to be valiantly learned and courageously practiced;
- Given that in it’s advanced form, Wise Intimacy is a conceptless, a timeless and at a limit, a spaceless experience, so in it’s advanced form, it can never be betrayed. The trick is that we have to rise, to it’s advanced form. Advanced Wise Intimacy belongs only to the dynamic that created it. Therefore, we can only be living Advanced Wise Intimacy if we chose to never take this experience personally. At some point, it gets to the level of a spiritual awakening.